Back-to-School Wellness: Some Tips to Make the Transition a Bit More Smooth for Moms and Kids Alike

Well, it certainly is that time of year. Some parts of the country are already back to school but here in the Northeast we have a few more days (or possibly weeks) until the first bell rings. As the final summer days start to wane, and the anticipation and excitement begin to grow, so may our anxieties and stresses. For many, the start of new classes, teachers, and routines brings about a mix of excitement and apprehension. So to help ease some angst, here are a few wellness-centered strategies that will help both you and your child transition into the academic year ahead.

Positive Mindset

Feeling those back-to-school jitters? Let's harness them and channel that energy into crafting a positive routine. After a summer of spontaneous play and later nights, reintroducing a structured daily schedule can help set clear expectations, easing the transition back into school mode. Those early morning start times may need an earlier bedtime. Rather than a drastic hour-early approach, break it down into manageable 15 minute chunks.

Listen More than You Talk (When Possible)

Parents are often setting rules, boundaries and expectations with our kids. It may feel as if they are being talked AT a lot, what if we could listen more? Making time for little heart-to-hearts post-homework or during dinner encourages trust with our kids. It's through these simple conversations that we often discover what's really on our children's minds. Sometimes it can feel like pulling teeth to get more than a “It was a good/bad day response.” Some questions that may be helpful include: “How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10? Why? What was your favorite thing that happened today? What was your favorite thing you learned?

Nourish to Flourish - What We Eat & How We Cook

The food we eat directly affects how we feel. Elevate your meals with nutrient-rich choices, setting your child up for success from the inside out. Some brain boosting snacks include: blueberries, eggs, avocado, celery and oranges.

Invite your children into the kitchen! Preparing meals together not only instills vital life skills but fosters bonding too. As the kiddos get older, they can help with meal prep too. It’s a win-win. One thing off your to-do list and they are more likely to eat what they help to create too. Check out Planet Box’s Kid Friendly Prep Tools.

Time Management Tips

The constant tick-tock of the clock can be overwhelming especially when striving to maximize every moment without burning out. Try to use Visual Calendars: Colorful crayon-coded calendars can make scheduling feel like an art project for everyone and not just mom! It's a fun way to teach kids about time allocation and responsibility. While structure is essential, don’t forget to slot in some free-time. Overcommitment can be overwhelming for the entire family.

Fitness Fun For All

Health isn’t a sprint; it’s a lifelong journey. Teaching our kids the importance of movement at an early age can become a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle for years to come, and help reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as: Heart disease, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Obesity. For children ages 3-5, it is recommended to incorporate physical activity throughout the day for growth and development. For children and teenagers ages 6-17, a more rigorous and established routine will help them meet their physical demands. It is recommended to spend sixty minutes or more of physical activity that range from moderate to vigorous in order to support the growing needs of school-aged children. These actions should support cardiorespiratory function, including activities that make your heart beat faster, such as running or walking. It’s also recommended to incorporate muscle and bone strengthening activity at least 3 days a week.

Immune Boosting Basics

Eat Right, Fight Right: Emphasize immune-boosting foods in your child's diet. Think vibrant veggies, fresh fruits, and wholesome grains!

Sleep Tight, Every Night: Encourage device-free wind-down hours before bedtime to promote restful sleep.

Stress Less, Hug More: Activities that promote relaxation and bonding can alleviate daily stresses.

Hygiene First: Reinforce daily cleanliness routines, ensuring regular hand washing and personal hygiene practices are maintained.

Wishing every mom out there a smooth transition back to school! Remember, with preparation and a hint of fun, every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth for all of us. Here's to a memorable year and perhaps that elusive perfect back-to-school photo where everyone is looking at the camera, eyes open and smiling!

AND…if you would like to use this transition back to school as an opportunity to re-prioritize your own health and wellness, learn more about our all new 30 Day Fall Into Healthy Habits Challenge Here.


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